Banner SEO Influencers


The Digital Era has changed the way we live. Now a day everyone is

The Digital Era has changed the way we live. Now a day everyone is watching social media- and among to many bytes, influencers have conquered a significant space in the universe of communication. The idea of showing “real life” in an uncomplicated way is fascinating. Trousseau supports the movement and engages with consumers that love the lifestyle while sharing and promoting the brand.

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  • Martha Graeff


    Martha Graeff is far from being just a beautiful face among the crowd- this beauty truly comes from within. As founder of Fashion 4 Good, she helps communities in need all around the world. The Miami resident and mom to baby Aya loves to welcome friends and family and loves sharing what is most wonderful in the city of sunshine. The choice for a brand ambassador could not have been more obvious for Trousseau.

    Martha Graeff